Hand Expression
You may think you will never express milk
by hand. Kind of third world, isn't it? Well, you'd be
surprised. I know my friend Beth was surprised when I had to
walk her through it over the phone when she'd left her pump at
home and couldn't leave the office...
Hand expression brings you back to my
favorite recommendation - a hot shower.
That's right, the shower is the best place to learn this art, so
read carefully (or print out the page and laminate it) and then
off to the showers with you.
Mastering hand expression involves
mastering a certain knowledge of your own breasts. Of course,
since you do your breast exam every single month (don't tell me
that you don't, I refuse to hear it), you're already familiar
with your breasts, but now you need to learn about where the
milk collects.
One-minute anatomy lesson: Your
breast has a number of milk-producing glands, all connected to
ducts that exit the breast at the nipple. Behind your nipple is
a region of the duct that swells with milk prior to a milk
ejection (this used to be called the "milk sinus" until they
realized it disappeared when there was no milk in it). Once you
find these swellings, you've found the key to getting the milk
out. You don't actually have to feel the swellings, you just
have to figure out how to get behind them, because pressing
behind these swellings causes the milk to come out. This is why
your baby needs a large mouthful of breast for a good latch - he
uses his tongue to press the milk out of where it collects
behind your nipple.
The basic technique (described
beautifully by Chele Marmet in 1978 and elaborated in detail
here) is to hold your breast with your thumb and fingers
about an inch to inch and a half behind your areola. If your
breast were to miraculously turn into a clock, you would find
your thumb and fingers at the numbers 12 and 6. Gently press
back towards your chest wall, roll your thumb and fingers
gently together and towards the space behind your nipple, and that's it! Now -
off to the shower. Run some warm water over your breasts to
stimulate the milk flow and get you relaxed. Move your hands around and varying
the positioning. When you find the right spot, you'll know. The
milk will spray everywhere. Once you've mastered this in the
shower, you can practice hitting a container. It's not really
that hard, once you get the hang of it. Once you've finished one
location, rotate your hands around your breast to drain all of
the ducts. Breast
compressions can help as well.
Below is a picture from the Medela
website, illustrating the Marmet technique for manual

The little circles are
your thumb and fingers
Some pictures (particularly the photos
on breastfeeding.com) make it look like you're pinching your
nipple. Do not pinch your nipple. Remember, you're pressing milk
that is behind your nipple out of your
nipple. Pinching your nipple not only hurts, it blocks this
flow. |